Top 5 Benefits of a Chlorine Dioxide Sterilization Treatment for Your Food Facility

Food safety is a top priority in the food industry, and microbial contamination, like Listeria, Salmonella, and E. Coli, remains at the top of the concern list because of the serious impact an outbreak can cause. There are different methods to resetting the microbial environment and ensuring the safety of foods being prepared for humans and animals alike. The preferred method utilized to kill all forms of microbial life is chlorine dioxide. The following explains why it is the top choice for the elimination of microbial contaminants in the food processing industry.

Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide For Elimination of Microbial Contaminants

1. No Residue – Immediately Resume Production

Unlike other vapor-based products such as hydrogen peroxide, which leaves a residue, chlorine dioxide gas does not. This treatment doesn’t leave a residue and does not require post-treatment cleaning, allowing for processing facilities to immediately be re-occupied and begin production once gas levels have reached a safe human level, which is typically about 60 minutes after the initial treatment.

2. Material Compatibility

There are noted concerns that chlorine dioxide corrosion can occur in facilities that utilize stainless steel, or other metal, equipment; however, it is proven that it is compatible with all grades of stainless steel and many other metals. A Chlorine Dioxide Sterilization Treatment can be utilized in entire facilities, individual rooms, bins/silos, and for specific equipment.

3. EPA and FDA Approved

This treatment is often used to treat municipal drinking water supplies and to rinse fruits, vegetables, and meats. The EPA and FDA have approved the use of chlorine dioxide for these uses and more. There is no evidence that it is a carcinogen.

4. Eliminates Pathogens

Chlorine dioxide successfully eliminates persistent pathogen problems and can be used as a preventative treatment for the future. The most noted pathogens that are eliminated are Listeria, Salmonella, E. Coli, yeasts, molds, and more. With a Chlorine Dioxide Sterilization Treatment, you are effectively eliminating 99.9999% of all microbial life forms.

5. Remains Active in Water

The use of chlorine dioxide does not react with water. It keeps a neutral pH in water and stays active when in water, enabling it to eliminate organisms that are within the water. This is a unique trait belonging to chlorine dioxide, as many other decontaminating agents do not do this.

When used properly, chlorine dioxide gas can eliminate microbial concerns in even hard-to-reach places and allows you to resume production without long delays. Whether you need a clean break or want to look at utilizing the treatments as part of your regular sanitation program, these disinfection treatments work for a wide range of industries and give you the confidence of a truly clean facility.

To learn more about Chlorine Dioxide Sterilization Treatments or how chlorine dioxide gas works to disinfect facilities like yours, check out a recent webinar on the topic.

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