When Experience Counts
Established in 1954, FISA specializes in providing sanitation and food safety consulting, auditing, and education to the food industry. FISA is a separately managed business unit of IFC, providing services across the United States and globally.
FISA provides consultation and audits to food manufacturing and distribution companies. FISA provides experienced talent to assist with problem identification and resolution as well as the development of policies and procedures. Our compliance and gap audits use regulatory and client requirements as well as industry best practice and GFSI criteria, as the basis for evaluation. FISA performs pre-audit preparation, training, and non-GFSI audits. Our auditors are SQF trained and are currently pursuing certification under one or more of the GFSI audit schemes.
FISA provides education and certification seminars. Pesticide recertification seminars are held annually, both in-person and virtually. We also offer client specific training on a range of sanitation and food safety topics, such as Pest Management, GMPs, Allergen Management, Fundamentals of Auditing, Sanitary Design, Sanitation Controls, Sanitation Management, and more.
FISA’s professionally trained auditors with hands-on experience can help develop a HACCP program tailored to each facility. It will include: Development, Implementation, Validation and Verification.
The Seven HACCP Principles:
- Conduct a Hazard Analysis (Physical, Chemical, Biological).
- Determine CCPs using a decision tree.
- Establish critical limits for each CCP.
- Develop a monitoring system for each CCP.
- Determine corrective actions.
- Establish verification procedures.
- Develop record keeping and documentation procedures.
FISA’s professionally trained and experienced staff can assist your company with the development, review and audit of the Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs), Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and work instructions. This will provide confidence that your company has developed the proper programming to ensure continued production of safe products that meet your customers’ specifications.
The professional auditors at FISA can assist your company in developing, implementing and monitoring a successful Pest Control Program. The program can be tailored for both in house pest control as well as the use of an outside pest control company. An integrated pest control program will obtain the best results and should cover all bases such as:
- Guidelines for setting expectations, how results are measured and ensuring proper documentation.
- Requirements of the regulatory agencies (FDA, USDA, EPA, OSHA) on federal, state and local levels.
- A list of acceptable pesticides that can be used in a given facility (interior and exterior).
- Follow-up expectations on deficiencies pointed out by GMP audits, regulatory agencies, third parties and the outside Pest Control Operation (PCO).
- Restricted use pesticides used by certified personnel only.
- Requirements of a PCO – license, up-to-date certification for the company and its technicians, insurance verification, pesticide log, SDS, product data sheets, service reports, and trends.
- Ensure that pesticides are used according to the label and stored properly.
- Recommendations on use of fumigations, foggings, spot treatment, heat treatment, crack and crevice treatment, etc.
FISA’s customized consulting can assist in the development and operation of a master cleaning program or specific cleaning procedures. This includes tools, materials and techniques for wet and dry cleaning. We can assist with the monitoring, documenting and reporting procedures for food safety and regulatory compliance.
We provide guidance in resolving and preventing regulatory action and can serve as expert witnesses should there be any sanitation related litigation. FISA auditors can assist with evaluating Facility Plan Reviews, as well as Equipment Design and Construction.
FISA offers several auditing options. They can cover an entire operation or a single process or commodity line. Coordinated quality system audits with in-depth environmental sanitation inspections on a regular frequency are the best way to prevent food protection issues.
FISA audits are intended to find, evaluate, correct and prevent recurrence of any sanitation or food safety deficiency. FISA professionals are trained to look for and see physical, chemical, biological and operational oversights that are not always evident to others.
FISA is prepared to audit using any one of several existing scoring procedures or we can develop a rating system specific to any individual plant or operation. FISA may use your internal audit form, if desired.
In addition to identifying conditions that may be detrimental to a food operation, FISA professionals make recommendations for practical solutions using their previous firsthand experience when they have encountered and solved most of the same deficiencies.
FISA Audits evaluate:
- Cleaning results, methods, tools and materials.
- Quality System and Food Safety programs.
- Food protection methods and results from procurement through the shipping process.
- Prevention and control of foreign substance contamination.
- The pest control procedures and results.
- The hygiene and behavior of personnel.
At the conclusion of every audit, the findings and recommendations are reviewed in person with the facility management. If the rating system requires it, the grade or score is reported at this time. All critical and important findings are listed in writing and left with the plant. A formal report is sent to all designated senior management.
Professionally trained staff conduct gap analysis, review and audit the existing programs and make recommendations when needed. Food security not only includes the grounds, facilities, personnel and utilities (electric, gas and water), but security of records, programs, formulations and customer specifications. Reviews of computer and hard copy security are a part of the evaluation.
FISA conducts supplier audits focused on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and product recall review in addition to physical, chemical and biological factors. The supplier audits are customized for your situational requirements.
FISA/IFC training covers the technology and practices necessary to maintain clean, pest free food operations and provide wholesome, safe foods. This training can be specific to one type of food product or food operation, or more general concerning the essentials that assure good food protection. We offer several training options. FISA educational programs focus on Industrial Sanitation, Food Protection, Pest Management and Good Manufacturing Practices. The subjects include but are not limited to:
- Essential Rules and Regulations.
- Integrated Pest Management.
- Cleaning and Sanitizing.
- Sanitary Design, Construction and Installation.
- Coordinating the Food Safety and Quality System Programs.
- Insect, Rodent and Bird Exclusion and Control.
- Safe Pesticide Application, Storage and Disposal.
- Food Handler Hygiene and Behavior.
FISA/IFC seminars may be sponsored for the general public or customized for a specific company as part of their training program. A variety of topics are available. Please contact FISA at (913) 782-6399 or toll-free (877) 836-3063 to inquire about customized training or seminars.

13420 W 99TH STREET
LENEXA, KS 66215-1365
PHONE: (913) 782-6399
TOLL-FREE: (877) 836-3063
Are You Prepared for an Audit?
Food processing facilities are often subject to audits to ensure that they are following proper food safety practices. Preparation for these events is important, which is easier when the audit is scheduled ahead of time. However, they can be unannounced! However, that...
Tips for Audit Preparedness
There was a time when sanitation managers devoted significant time and effort several weeks in advance to prepare for scheduled audits. Preparation for these important events will continue, but demands will increasingly be for 24/7 readiness for unannounced audits –...
Removing Rodents from the Recipe
Food processing pest control should always be approached first with recognition of key pests and consideration of aspects of their biology where management options can be brought to bear. Rodents are recognized as a key threat for every kind of facility. It is not...