World Pest Day Recognizes Pest Control Industry’s Role in Protecting Public Health and Property

IFC educates homeowners and business owners on the threats pest pose to health and property

Lenexa, KS (June 5, 2024) – World Pest Day, which takes place on June 6 each year, is an observance dedicated to recognizing and raising awareness for the role the pest control industry plays in protecting public health, food, and property from the threats posed by pests. Pest control is such a vital element of our society that public health officials attribute it as one of three reasons for the heightened quality of life we have today.

“As we enter peak pest season, it’s so important for everyone to be aware of the threats many pest species pose to not only our businesses but our food security,” said Dan Ponton, Executive Vice President. “As pest management professionals we are dedicated to helping the public protect their food sources and World Pest Day is just a reminder of the important work our team does day in and day out. Today and every day, we encourage everyone to contact a professional if they suspect a pest problem.”

In recognition of World Pest Day, IFC is joining the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) in calling attention to pests that pose the biggest threat to health and property:

  • Ticks: Tick populations thrive in warm, humid climates so summer is peak season for encounters with these pests. They can transmit dangerous diseases like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to humans and our pets making it extremely important to perform regular tick checks on yourself and your pets after spending time outdoors. To keep your property tick free, be sure to keep the grass cut low, clear any overgrown vegetation, and remove weeds, woodpiles, and debris.
  • Mosquitoes: Believe it or not, mosquitoes are considered the world’s deadliest animal since they’re known to spread diseases such as Malaria, West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and Dengue Fever to humans and animals. Eliminating sources of standing water around homes and businesses including birdbaths, flowerpots, and clogged gutters is the best course of action to reduce mosquito populations, mosquito breeding areas, and the risk of mosquito-borne disease.
  • Stinging Insects: Every year pests like hornets, wasps, and yellowjackets send more than half a million people to the emergency room. They’re capable of inflicting painful stings that can trigger severe reactions in those with allergies. These insects often build their nests in areas like attics, crawlspaces, gutters, and under awnings or decks. If you find a nest on your property, do not attempt to remove it on your own – stinging insects will attack if they feel threatened or are disturbed and some will even chase you.
  • Rodents: Pests like mice and rats are known to contaminate or consume about 20% of the world’s food supply and can spread 35 different diseases including hantavirus, Salmonella, tularemia, rat bite fever, and even the plague. Once inside your home or business, these pests multiply rapidly and can cause serious damage making prevention measures like sealing openings on the outside of your structure and reducing food sources are extremely important.
  • Termites: According to the NPMA, termites cause an estimated $6.8 billion in property damage every year and unfortunately, this costly damage is not covered by most homeowners’ insurance policies. That alone makes termites one of the costliest pests. Termite populations thrive in warm, moist conditions, but are found throughout the United States. Termite infestations cannot be treated using DIY measures so homeowners and business owners should schedule annual inspections with their pest control partner to protect their home from these wood destroying pests.

Please visit our Resource Center for additional pest-proofing tips and information on controlling pests in your food processing facility.

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