Feb 10, 2025 | Food Processing and Safety, Fumigation, Integrated Pest Management
Most people probably think of pest management or fumigation services as just getting rid of insects or rodents. It’s necessary, I guess, but not essential. Right? That’s where you would be wrong. Food processing plants, food distribution centers, and warehouses...
Jun 27, 2023 | Fumigation
Your food processing facility is highly regulated and must adhere to strict guidelines to maintain required levels of food safety and to stay audit ready. Pests such as insects and rodents can threaten your food safety program through potential contamination and loss...
Jun 29, 2022 | Fumigation, Integrated Pest Management
Fumigations are highly specialized treatments that rely on the power of gas formulations in sufficient concentrations to effectively eliminate all life stages of target pests. While fumigation may have a negative connotation for some, many know that they can be very...
Jul 28, 2021 | Fumigation
Have you ever wondered why or when fumigation could support your operations? While fumigation has been seen as a last resort, it shouldn’t be, considering fumigation quickly eliminates pests for a clean start. Our Senior Technical Specialist, Jerry Heath, sat down...
Jul 28, 2021 | Fogging, Fumigation
Fogging vs Fumigation Fumigation and fogging are often seen as the same type of pest service. While they’re similar in nature, they have key differences that will affect whether a pest expert like IFC would recommend them for your facility. Both involve the use of an...