Jul 28, 2021 | Fogging, Fumigation
Fogging vs Fumigation Fumigation and fogging are often seen as the same type of pest service. While they’re similar in nature, they have key differences that will affect whether a pest expert like IFC would recommend them for your facility. Both involve the use of an...
Feb 17, 2021 | Bird Control, Flying Insects Resources, Food Processing and Safety, Integrated Pest Management, Sanitation
1. GET YOUR MASTER SANITATION SCHEDULE UPDATED AND FUNCTIONAL Master Sanitation Schedules are fundamental components of sanitation programs. From a pest management perspective Master Sanitation Schedules eliminate pest food and harborage, and cleaning schedules...
Feb 17, 2021 | Audit, Integrated Pest Management
There was a time when sanitation managers devoted significant time and effort several weeks in advance to prepare for scheduled audits. Preparation for these important events will continue, but demands will increasingly be for 24/7 readiness for unannounced audits –...
Feb 17, 2021 | Food Processing and Safety, Integrated Pest Management, ProClean Disinfection, Sanitation
No matter what kind of food processing or manufacturing your company does, it’s likely that your facility produces fragrant waste. Most often these byproducts are stored in broad areas which, if left unchecked, can serve as heavy attractants to all kinds of pests...
Feb 17, 2021 | Audit, Food Processing and Safety, Integrated Pest Management, Rodent Control
Food processing pest control should always be approached first with recognition of key pests and consideration of aspects of their biology where management options can be brought to bear. Rodents are recognized as a key threat for every kind of facility. It is not...