Bioremediation Solutions

You can count on IFC for sanitation solutions. Our professionals assist in meeting the food industry’s strict sanitation needs with turnkey solutions.


Today’s food processing sanitation standards and practices are essential. At times, even the best efforts cannot prevent situations that threaten a facility’s viability and promise of making safe food. The consequences of food-borne illness, infectious organisms on surfaces, and the seemingly never ending cycle of organic waste and associated sanitation pests are occasions for extraordinary solutions.

IFC offers a portfolio of three powerful and affordable microbial decontamination solutions:

Surface pathogenic microorganisms_decontamination

ProClean™ Disinfection

Eliminate surface pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses, mold and bacteria using disinfectants such as chlorine dioxide, quaternary ammonium and other liquid formulations. IFC’s technicians are equipped with highly effective disinfectant products, appropriate equipment and the service protocols to effectively treat surfaces that are suspected to be contaminated.

Reset the Environment with Chlorine Dioxide (CD)

Whether it is your whole facility, a room, manufacturing lines, a piece of equipment, piping, ductwork, etc., IFC can provide a solution with chlorine dioxide, a sterilant registered by the EPA, and approved for use by USDA and FDA in food production and food production facilities. With a CD treatment, all microbial life forms are eliminated, providing a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) reduction of 99.9999% (i.e. a 6-log reduction). As a true gas, the molecular size of chlorine dioxide is smaller than any microorganism and effectively penetrates to all available spaces where liquids and fogs cannot reach. Our CD services provide a project plan, including a detailed timeline and a scientifically based post-treatment report to verify a clean break. For more information please contact an IFC food safety professional.

Want to learn more about this treatment? Check out our webinars with the IFC experts!

Bioremediation Foamer Decontamination Solution

Bioremediation Services

Bioremediation in areas of organic matter build-up and chronic wet situations with associated sanitation concerns, all potentially leading to pests and microorganisms. IFC has a treatment protocol for areas that have food waste, organic build-up, in and around dumpsters, as well as bird droppings.

Environmentally friendly and beneficial bioremediation solutions, when applied to organic waste and pest harborage sites, help to reduce the attraction and proliferation of flies, insects and pathogens. Probiotic solutions are a blend of naturally occurring microbes that help to eliminate issues. An integrated approach with these non-toxic beneficial materials and foam applications can be a powerful option to help eliminate pests and microorganism.

Cleaning with bioremediation solutions is often necessary prior to disinfection or sterilization because organic build-up can potentially reduce the effectiveness of these types of applications.

Bioremediation Resources

How Chlorine Dioxide Fogging Supports Your Facility

How Chlorine Dioxide Fogging Supports Your Facility

Chlorine Dioxide Fogging A food processing plant sanitation process is key to routine and effective cleanliness. While these programs must be robust, establishing a chlorine dioxide fogging routine can enhance your food safety program. This is a preventative measure...

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