Facility Pest Management
We offer a comprehensive list of products and services so there is no need to look beyond IFC. Clients trust us to handle all of their pest management needs, keeping them in full compliance so they can focus on other priorities while feeling confident that their brands are protected under IFC’s care.
Many challenges face the food industry.
Pests, and the contaminants they transmit, pose a threat to every food operation. Keeping your plant and products free of pests and contaminants is critical to the success of your organization. To prevent these adversities from becoming costly problems and to meet or exceed the requirements of internal and external pest management audits, it is extremely important that you develop a strong partnership with a pest management firm which understands your needs and has extensive experience in food industry pest management and sanitation.
Click on any of the service offerings below for more information.
Mechanical foggers and aerosol formulations create an assortment of different particle sizes. To increase the effectiveness of the fogging, these particles should be blown or released as close to the ceiling of the structure being fogged as possible.
The quality of the program affects the results of audits. Whether your facility faces a corporate inspection, customer audits or the scrutinizing requirements of the many food safety initiatives, IFC’s Integrated Pest Management programs ensure top scores.
IFC has a professional staff capable of assessing a pest bird situation and implementing the most appropriate deterrent measures for large and small projects.
Our fumigation teams are certified and comprehensively trained in safety and current techniques for fumigating all types of containers, ships, barges and structures containing food and non-food products.
Food safety is a growing concern in food production facilities. Product recalls are increasing every year and can cost millions of dollars in revenue. While many chemical options can clean and sanitize, they often do not reach the entire surface.
FC has specifically trained heat treatment personnel to assess any facility for suitability of heat treatment and has the capability to supervise or provide a turn-key heat treatment.
Communication, prevention and safety are key elements for success in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy at IFC.
IFC knows the organic food industry and has been working with organically certified facilities even before USDA first introduced the official National Organic Program in 2000.
IFC’s ProTrak™ electronic reporting system offers unparalleled service information, trending and tracking capabilities for rodent control, insect light trap (ILT) monitoring, pheromone monitoring and many other IPM functions.
No Fly Zone: A Guide to Preventing Flies in Your Building
Flies are an obvious potential detriment in the food manufacturing and processing world. Not only are they annoying—they’re also plain disgusting. With six legs and only two wings, flies land often to take rest breaks, and they can leave behind a great deal of...
IPM Pyramid: A Formula for Food Processing Pest Control
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” goes some sage advice from Benjamin Franklin. This is just as relevant to pest management as to other aspects of life. Whether you call them preventative or pro-active, tactics to make the food plant environment...
Implications of FSMA on Pest Management Programs
Considerable pest management implications are imbedded in compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) although they may not be immediately apparent on the surface. It is helpful to remember that laws speak in generalities, and the subsequent rules and...